Healthy Home9 articlesI have central air, do I really need a venting skylight?Do skylights improve health?How do skylights help with Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.)? Show all
Skylights65 articlesWhat finish colors does the SkyMax come in?Will a SkyMax leak?What sizes are offered for the CurveTech Glass?Show all
Troubleshooting13 articlesCorrecting an obstruction for VELUX BlindsWhat happens if I reset my remote control?Are the cladding parts of a VELUX skylight replaceable?Show all
Commercial53 articlesWhat is SHGC and why is it important in a commercial skylight?What products are offered by VELUX Commercial?When replacing an existing unit skylight how do I determine the curb size?Show all
For Professionals15 articlesWhat flashing should I use with Fixed Curb Mounted Skylights?How long does it take to receive an order?What is the fire resistance rating for VELUX skylights?Show all
About VELUX11 articlesHow can I contact customer service?How can I track my order?What are the missions and values of VELUX?Show all
Skylight Shades25 articlesWhat brackets are available?Can I convert manual blinds into electric blinds?What is a room darkening blind?Show all
Roof Windows4 articlesWhat is a roof window?Are insect screens available for roof windows?Does VELUX make egress window or skylight?Show all
Warranty4 articlesHow do I obtain a warranty protection?What is the hail warranty?Are flashing kits required for the warranty?Show all
VELUX ACTIVE with Netatmo17 articlesI am having trouble setting up and installing VELUX ACTIVE. What should I do?Where should I place my VELUX ACTIVE sensors?Do I have to reset all my skylights to install VELUX ACTIVE with NETATMO?Show all
Installation Help13 articlesWhere can I find the technical specs and BIM Models for VELUX products?How do I install Blackout blinds?Can I install a VELUX skylight with any roof pitch?Show all
Sun Tunnel Skylights16 articlesWhat is the difference between a THR Sun Tunnel® and a TMR Sun Tunnel®?What sizes do Sun Tunnel® come in?What is the installation process for a Sun Tunnel®?Show all
Maintenance8 articlesWhy is my skylight leaking?How should I remove wood mildew?How should I clean the glass on my skylight?Show all
VELUX Touch4 articlesHow to operate your new VELUX Touch remote?How to install your VELUX Touch remote?Visit the VELUX Touch Support pageShow all
Remote Controls7 articlesHow do I pair a basic remote to a shade?How do I pair multiple shades to one basic remote?How do I identify my basic remote?Show all