What products are eligible for the federal tax credit?

1 min. readlast update: 06.25.2024

At VELUX, we aim to provide the best daylighting products that offer the benefits of natural light and fresh air and demonstrate our company’s overall commitment to sustainability. Because skylights may also offer energy-efficiency benefits, we encourage our customers to look for opportunities through tax incentives that may help save money when installing these products.

As a skylight manufacturer, we have always recommended that consumers seek professional opinion before claiming any tax credit.  After a recent review of US tax law, we find that we are unable to certify that any solar powered  skylight, accessory or related installation cost qualify under the Residential Clean Energy Credit 25(D). As a result, VELUX will refrain from promoting the IRS code section 25(D) as a consumer incentive. 

Consumers should always seek professional tax advice when making a final determination on any individual tax credit qualification.



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