How should I remove wood mildew?

1 min. readlast update: 02.05.2025

Before leaving the factory, all VELUX roof windows and skylights are treated with a temporary water-based fungicide and bactericide. After installation, they should be given further coats of a good quality paint or wood varnish at regular intervals. If, however, condensation has been a problem, some discoloration or mold growth may have occurred and although the strength of the timber is unaffected, the result can be unsightly.

Removing wood mildew

  1. The mold must be killed using a sterilizing agent. Scrape off any surface mold, then clean the area with a solution of 1 part household bleach diluted in 10 parts water.
  2. Rinse well with clean water. When thoroughly dry, rub down wood with medium sandpaper. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until mold is removed.
  3. Finally, coat with a proprietary clear wood preservative and then finish with paint or wood finish as desired.
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